Our two year old daughter Luna is one of these people. She has a very strong personality and unfortunately has inherited our stubbornness My wife and I have tried various different discipline tactics and honestly we never stuck with any particular one for very long. The first was "time out" which went over like a ton of bricks. The kid was supposed to stay on the stairs for a set amount of time. Luna would climb up the stairs or slide down them crying and fussing the whole time. If she came off the stairs and we walked over she'd run back burying her head in the stairs. It was frustrating and felt like it was going no where. Then came spanking. No parent wants to cause harm to their child. If you do, seek psychiatric help. I spanked Luna for the first time about 2 months ago. We were staying at an in-laws house and she would not go to bed. The breaking point was when she started throwing her stuffed animals out of her pack and play then would scream and cry until one of us came in and got them. Normally we would have just left her in the room to scream until she got tired but our son who was only a few weeks old at the time was sleeping in the same room. Eventually I told her she was going to get a spanking.
I laid her over my lap and then tried in my head to gauge how hard I was going to spank her. It felt totally strange and actually when I made contact I seriously had the feeling of someone striking me at the same time. Not a physical hit but a pain like when you just find out a loved one is injured or hurt. It was an emotional hit. The spank made a loud noise but I noticed Luna didn't cry. She just sat there looking at the floor and not really showing any reaction. I talked to her about why she got a spanking and left the room feeling bad but also confused as if that wasn't really a spanking. To me if you spank your child it should be an unpleasant experience. A true consequence of their actions. In my opinion a perfect spanking is one that leaves a child crying for no more than 5min. It didn't take long for me to practice my theory. With in an hour Luna was causing havoc again. This time I spanked harder and she cried. I didn't feel better about the situation but I did feel this was a better test of a true spanking. Luna behaved for the rest of the night and when she didn't the threat of a spanking was enough to put her back in place. I figured this was going to be the new standard.
The hard part is when your wife doesn't see eye to eye on discipline. My wife still wanted to try the "time out" method and what she calls out willing the child. I relate it to training a dog. I have never done this but I've heard when training some dogs you do certain techniques to put yourself in the alpha dog position. Things like out staring the dog or holding it down to show your dominance. My wife's version of this was just repeating herself over and over. It was horribly annoying to listen to and drove me nuts. Here's an example.
My Wife: "Ok Luna you aren't picking up your toys so you're going to sit in time out."
Luna: "NO!"
My Wife: "Yes, now get on the stairs."
Luna: "No, I no want stairs."
My Wife: Yes, you have to be in time out because you're not doing good listening."
Luna: "No"
This goes on in a circle for about 5minutes. It's obvious Luna is not going to pick up the toys and she'll have to go on the stairs. Why even bother discussing this? Just put her there? But I let my wife try her method. So then my daughter is on the stairs and she's crying and fussing and going from the top stair and sliding down, each time my wife tells her the "time out" is starting over. Then she asks Luna "Are you going to pick up your toys?"
Luna: "No!"
My Wife: "Then you're going to stay in time out"
This goes on for another 10min. Then eventually Luna says she's going to pick up her toys obviously to get out of time out but not because she's actually going to pick up her toys. So she gets off the stairs and starts playing with something else. My wife gets mad and they start arguing again about picking up the toys. Usually this ends up in my daughter just crying and laying on the floor and my wife walking away almost ready go do the same thing in her room.
This went on for about two weeks and there were
Spanking was given up on for awhile and a tool used to make our daughter behave came out of nowhere. She visited a friend who had a spider-man doll. This doll would talk when you touched its chest. My daughter LOVES spider-man. I have no idea why. She has not seen any of the movies or cartoons. She is two and I think they are way too advanced and honestly violent for her. Well my wife tried something out of nowhere and it amazingly worked. Luna was up to her old tricks of not behaving and my wife said "Luna, spider-man is watching you." Our daughter straightened right up and did exactly what we asked. This was awesome! It worked for awhile but I knew my wife was milking it way too much.
"Spider-man is making sure you eat your dinner."
"Spider-man is making sure you stay in bed."
Spider-man is making sure you put your pee pee's in the potty."
Spider-man was friggin busy and my daughter got tired of him. Eventually she didn't give a crap what spider-man was doing and just went back to her old ways. So here's where we are currently. We have found that if we want Luna to do something we have to ask her once which she never usually follows. Then a second time then we say, "Do we need to help you?" When we say this we walk over at the same time and Luna actually does what we want. It's exhausting but some what effective. It's less stressful for us than spanking and time outs. The hardest thing we are dealing with currently is Luna not staying in bed. Every night she just plays in her room. Pulls books off the shelf and plays with things in the closet. It drives me nuts. Then to top it off she pees in her bed. My wife was adamant about using cloth diapers and I guess if Luna lays on her stomach some how urine escapes from them. I don't know exactly this is just what I am told. Not logical but some how a huge wet spot appears on her bed ever other night. Here is the kicker, we have tried disposables on her at night and Luna would just take them off! What the hell? I was wondering if this was God's little trick at seeing how frustrated I can get. Well I fought back with duct tape. I would tape her diapers on and this worked great until I had to cut them off in the morning. It was too dangerous and making a duct tape belt every night was not a ritual I wanted to get into. Oh the joys of fatherhood.
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